Blogger's free Robot. Txt Generator
A file called Robots.txt may be used to manage web robots and search engine crawlers. This file informs crawlers of the sections of the website that they are permitted to view and those that they are not. To prevent web crawlers from accessing private pages on your website that you do not want search engines to index, for instance, you can use Robots.txt.
A file called Robots.txt can be added to a website's root directory to assist manage how robots crawl and index web pages. The file should be uploaded in the site root directory, not within a subdirectory. It is a text file called "robots.txt."
An online program called the Robots.txt Generator Tool makes it simple to generate robots.txt files for your websites. The Robots.txt Generator tool makes it easier to install on websites that are already indexed by Google by offering straightforward instructions and the ability to be utilized with Google Webmasters.